Child behavior tracking

Child Emojis is a simple web based app which can be used as child behavior tracker or reward system.

Start using it
Only small letters, digits, dash and dot are allowed.


Tool designed to offer parents, caregivers, and teachers a delightful and visual way to monitor and record children's behaviors and emotions during the day. Using familiar emojis, you can quickly log moments, making the tracking process not just informative but also enjoyable. You can use the app to praise or punish chidlren similar to the red/yellow and black dots which teachers use in school.


Understanding patterns and specific triggers can be immensely helpful in fostering chidlren emotional and psychological well-being.

Secure and Private

We respect your privacy. All data is saved securely, and no personal data is ever collected.

Simple Interface

Easy-to-use and intuitive design. No complicated settings.

Emoji Logging

Tap to add emojis that best represent the moment. Double-tap to remove. Log will be preserved.

Daily Reset

A fresh start every day. The tool resets at midnight, all data is stored securely for future reference.